The Abbey Road

On January 29, 2014, we were notified that the owner of the Abbey Road was looking for an organization to donate his boat to. Since his children were grown and scattered across the country, the family was not able to use the Abbey Road more than a few weeks a year, the boat owner wanted to give the Abbey Road to a non-profit organization that could put her to good use.
In 2013, the Abbey Road had been sailed by the Bayfield Area Sea Scouts under the supervision of Captain Gordon Ringberg, and we knew that she had been well maintained and would make the perfect platform to advance our mission.
We accepted the donation of the Abbey Road on April 7, 2014, and immediately began taking kids of all ages sailing on Lake Superior.
Our trips are “Un-plugged” experiential learning voyages. Teamwork is required which fosters acceptance of others, cultivates personal responsibility and helps develop leadership skills.
Longer trips can be physically and emotionally challenging for some participants (although not dangerous). As controlled risks are overcome by participants they discover hidden strengths, acquire new skills and increase self-confidence.
We are very proud that we’ve had over 4,300 participants onboard the Abbey Road since 2014. She is an excellent platform for small groups and we will continue sailing her into the foreseeable future.
Year Built: 1989
Designer: William Garden
Builder: Bluewater Yacht Builders Ltd., Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Model: Vagabond 52 Staysail Schooner
LOA: 57' 00” LOD: 52'00" LWL: 41'00"
Beam: 13'11" Draft: 6' 6"
Displacement: 50,000 lbs Ballast: 19600 lbs
Tonnage: 38 Gross, 34 Net
Sail Area: up to 2,400 sq ft
Working Jib, Fore Staysail, Main Staysail,
Furl in Boom Mainsail, and a Fisherman
Engine: Cummins Mercruiser, 2 liter displacement, 150 hp(New 2011)
Generator: Cummins Onan
Diesel4 @ 50 gallons,
Water3 @ 75 gallons,
Waste2 @ 50 gallons.
3 Double Staterooms with 6 Berths.
Can sleep 6 to 11 crew (depending on how friendly they are).
2 Heads and a Bathtub.