Since 2014 We Have Been Providing Positive, Life-Changing Adventures Aboard The Schooner Abbey Road and the Zeeto.
We offer unique adventures for families, youth groups, and adults where you can experience the quiet joy of gliding across the water as the wind fills the sails!
Help Us Make A Difference! Become A Member, Volunteer, Partner With Us, Own A Plank!
Abbey Road participated in the Lake Superior Festival of Sail in 2016, 2019 and 2022. The Tall Ship festival will return to Lake Superior in 2025, but you are welcome to come sailing on one of our schooners anytime.
Our Ships
Present and Future

We accepted the donation of the Abbey Road on April 7, 2014, to provide positive, life-changing outdoor sailing adventures to kids and adults on Lake Superior.
We are proud to announce that we have added the three masted schooner, Zeeto, to our fleet to increase our sail training capacity and take more kids of all ages sailing on Lake Superior.
We hope to acquire another large vessel—to be named the Algonquin after a schooner that plied the waters of Lake Superior in the 1800s—so we can take even more kids and adults sailing.
Our long term goal is to build a modern replica of the Alice Craig, a US revenue cutter once based in Bayfield, WI.
What We’ve Been Up To Lately

Lake Superior Tall Ships, Inc., a non-profit organization that operates a youth sail training program out of Bayfield WI, announced that they have added the three masted schooner, Zeeto, to their fleet to increase their sail training capacity and take more kids of all ages sailing on Lake Superior.
Our 2020 season was pretty quite due to COVID, however we were able to make some adjustments in how we conduct our sailing trips to safely get kids back on the water this past summer.
The fog rolled in like a blanket being pulled over the big lake, and suddenly the way forward was no longer apparent. The skipper and crew, although concerned, did not panic, they had trained for this.
Treat your loved ones, clients or that someone special to a gift they are sure to love, a sailing trip on the Abbey Road. Gift cards can be purchased with a value of your choosing and no expiration date! Click to purchase.
We take kids sailing and Yamila LeBouton-Chediack is one of those kids. But now, after 6 years of sailing on the Abbey Road as a member of Sea Scout Ship 336, she is packing her duffle bag for her next big adventure.
Wishing you Health and Happiness this Holiday Season, and prosperity in the New Year from all of us at Lake Superior Tall Ships.
2018 was the busiest season ever for the Abbey Road!
Help us bring a tall ship to Lake Superior.
The Abbey Road will be at the Bayfield City Dock at the end of Rittenhouse Avenue, Bayfield, WI for the Bayfield Apple Festival, October 5, 6 & 7, 2018.
All about Our 1st Rendezvous!
Great pictures as the Abbey Road sails to Grand Marais for the Wooden Boat Show.
Check out the picture, student video and student comments!
The forecast was for Small Craft Warnings with gusts up to 30 mph and temperatures in the 40s, but that didn't stop our Sea Scouts from departing Pikes Bay Marina on Saturday May 20th for their first weekend sail of the season.
Despite chilly temperatures and snow flurries, the Abbey Road was launched on Monday and moved to her slip at Pikes Bay Marina.
Lake Superior Tall Ships and the Abbey Road were busy again this past summer. The AR was out on the water 97 days (vs 83 in 2015), with 798 guests (vs 762) and sailed 1584 nautical miles (vs 1418).
We were first over the line at the gun (probably the first and last time for AR), and held the lead for a whole hour. See the pictures…
Sea Scout Ship 336 commanded the trailing position of the Around the Islands Race from the start and until they withdrew 19 hours later. The wind was not our friend as we watched the fleet of much lighter boats drift farther and farther away from us.
Sure there is more snow in the forcast, but an early indication of spring is the Sea Scouts helping to remove the cover from the Abbey Road in anticipation of an early launch.
This is why we volunteer our time to take kids sailing!
Thank you Bayfield Chamber & Visitors Bureau for recognizing LSTS with your Good Neighbor NonProfit Award. The monetary gift will allow us to take more kids sailing next summer.
The Abbey Road was very busy this past summer. She was out on the water 83 days (vs 53 in 2014), with 762 guests (vs 301).
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Coming Events
Tall Ships return to Duluth, July 10-13, 2025, for a seventh installment of the popular festival and the Tall Ships Challenge® Race series in Duluth, MN. The first large event to feature the $30M renovation of the Duluth Seawall and new Harbor Plaza event space on Harbor Drive.
The Abbey Road and Zeeto will be at the Festival of Sail in Duluth, and you can purchase tickets now to sail with us on the Festival of Sail Website.

An Open Letter to Jimmy Buffett.
..I think Lake Superior needs happier songs for people to hum along with, and I know you’re just the guy to write them...